strategic estates 



Leading the development of operational and capital expenditure programmes for organisations and the development of estates strategies and strategic 'visions' - horizon scanning - examining the long term options and their evaluation by options appraisal, key components in long term asset management. 


change management


Experience of leading across a wide range of support services including Estates, IT, Health & Safety and Library and Learning Resources quickly assimilating information and instigating change management to set up new teams to meet new business requirements, introduce operational changes, review existing business working practices and put in place new processes to improve efficiency.


'client side' project



Substantial experience working within large organisations delivering client side project management across a wide variety of building types; delivering a cradle-to-grave service ensuring that the strategic project objectives of a client are fully understood as well as the management of the client's business continuity through the various stages of the project.






Masterplan outcomes

The evolution of a new masterplan for Perth College, part of the University of the Highlands and Islands, involving the development of the client brief, engagement, selection and coordination of design team consultants and the strategic management of the Capital Programme. 



Urban regeneration

A project investigating the viability of a new tennis coaching centre in Perth in association with Judy Murray and the LTA as an enabler to bridge the educational and aspirational gap of children through the medium of sport.


Science Research Facility
Housing Development (Perth)
Student Residences

Capital Programme diversity


A range of projects forming part of capital programmes delivered for the HE and FE sector as Project Sponsor.

Common to all is the management of internal and external client expectations through viable project deliverables and high quality outputs. 








Delivering Property Solutions
